Saturday, November 22, 2014

Benefit of Orange Fruit

       Sweet orange trees grow in subtropical and tropical climates. sweet orange flesh can be consumed directly or for the juice. 


The content of citrus fruit is very good for maintaining and protecting our bodies from some very dangerous diseases that can attack the body. Therefore, consuming citrus fruits are highly recommended for the health of your body. 

An orange contains 170 very banyak.antara other phytonutrients and 60 flavonoids .As a good source of vitamin C of citrus fruit has 116.2 percent of the value of vitamin c to sweep per day. because that citrus fruits have very many benefits 

orange is very good to prevent cancer such as skin cancer, breast, lung, mouth and colon. This is because citrus fruits containing D-limonene which is a compound that is very good for preventing various cancers. 

consume grapefruit is one solution that you can take. This is because, citrus fruit contains Hesperidin and Pectin. both substances are very good for lowering cholesterol levels in the body 

consume citrus fruits are also very good for lowering your blood pressure. This is because the citrus fruit contains Hesperidin and magnesium which serves to lower high blood pressure 

consume citrus fruits are also very good for strengthening your immune system. This is because citrus fruits are good sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C functions which stimulate the production of white blood cells in our body. So it is very good and can boost the immune system in our body. 

consume citrus fruit is an alternative that you can take. This is because citrus fruits are proven to reduce inflammation in the joints or stiffness in muscles and joints.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Benefit of Eggplant Fruit

           Eggplant is one kind of purple colored vegetables that contain nutrients that are very unusual. This is because, eggplant contains calcium, minerals, fiber, bioflavonoids and vitamin K.


This fruit is a fruit that is made ​​in the vegetables. and pieces of eggplant in the trust comes from Sri Lanka and India. Many people who like vegetables eggplant, but there are many people who do not like eggplant fruit is the reason.

Eggplant become one of the foods that are not foreign at all levels of Indonesian society. The price is very affordable to make eggplant into one of the most populist food. But ignorance of the content and efficacy of eggplants makes these vegetables ranging excluded from the list or range of our favorite foods.

some of the benefits of eggplants

Lowering Hypertension.
Eggplant coined the levels or amount of potassium is quite high at around 217mg / 100gram. Potassium content is high enough to effectively prevent hypertension.

Preventing Cancer Risk.
Based on a study in Japan, proving that eggplant is one of the vegetables that can prevent cancer risk. This is caused by the presence of inhibitors in these vegetables.

As Brain Food. Phyto nutrient content in eggplant is one of the nutrients that are needed by the brain organs. So, for those of you that are confused to choose the types of foods that can nourish the brain, the eggplant will be one solution.

The Prevention of Diabetes. This is because, eggplant is a source of soluble fiber and low in carbohydrates which is very good for preventing diabetes.

Anemia deterrent. Iron content in eggplant will help prevent anemia or lack of blood which may be suffered by some people.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Benefit of Acids Fruit

            Fruit acids are tropical plants and fruit pods have a hard tree trunk and leaves are quite shady. This sour fruit can grow wild everywhere, both in lowland and high plains. 


Fruit acid itself has a lot of content such as apple acid, citric acid, tetrat acid, pectin and sugar. While the sour fruit skins and seeds contain plobatannin containing albuminoid compounds and starch. Usually the fruit acid is often used to give a sour taste in the various types of cuisines and is also frequently used by the public as an ingredient to make herbal medicine. 

Tamarind fruit is ripe on the tree of which contains the value: 

calories by 239 calories per 100 grams, 
2.8 grams of protein per 100 grams, 
0.6 grams of fat per 100 grams, 
62.5 grams of carbohydrate per 100 grams, 
74 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams, 
phosphorus 113 milligrams per 100 grams, 
0.6 milligrams of iron per 100 grams, 
30 SI vitamin A per 100 grams, 
Vitamin B1 0.34 milligrams per 100 grams, 
2 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams. 

some of the benefits of tamarind fruit 

treating a fever 
Society in ancient times often uses fruit acids to treat fever, usually they use a mixture of sour fruit and fennel pulawaras then boil with 1/2 liter of water. Both filtered water is then drunk 2 times a day. 

Preventing asthma 
For some people, asthma is a disease that is so painful and also can interfere with daily activities. Did you know that it turns sour fruit can prevent asthma, because the acid in the fruit of the womb terdaat that can provide a sense of relaxation in your respiratory tract. 

Treating abdominal pain 
Another benefit of the fruit acid is able to treat stomach aches. The trick is to take 3 ripe fruit acids kenudian often mixed with lime and finely crushed, after fine then give a little eucalyptus oil and rub on the tummy ache. 

Menobati thrush 
Sour taste in this fruit has particularly efficacy to prevent and treat thrush, the easiest way and are often used by mixing the meat with a little salt sour fruit kemudiandigunakan to rinse.