Friday, September 12, 2014

Benefits of Rambutan Fruit

        Rambutan has many types including Rapiah, the Tiger, the Mistress, swampy fleeced, and Binjai. This fruit contains carbohydrates, protein, fat, phosphorus, iron, calcium and vitamin C. The rind contains tannins and saponins. Seeds contain fat and polyphenols. Leaves contain tannins and saponins. Bark contains tannin, saponin, flavonida, pectic substance, and iron. 


Rambutan fruit stored in the drug efficacy priceless, according to an expert study of medicinal plants, fruit rambutan contains iron, potassium, vitamin C sapai in every 100 grams (about 3 rambutan fruit contains 69 calories, 18.1 grams of carbohydrates, and 58 mg vitamin). Rambutan fiber content is also quite high, about 2 grams per 100 grams of fruit weight. This character fits consumed fruits like people who are dieting lose or maintain weight. 

Benefits rambutan very much at all. For health, rambutan helpful to tighten the muscles, upset stomach, and intestinal worms medicine. 
The roots can be brewed for drug fever, bark to treat diseases of the tongue, leaves a headache medicine, while the rambutan fruit skins contain toxic saponin, but in Java, the skin of this fruit can be used as a drug by means of dried first. 

Parts of this plant can be used as a drug is used to treat skin fruit dysentery and fever, the bark is used to overcome the canker sores, the leaves are used for treating diarrhea and black hair, used to treat fever roots, and seeds used to treat diabetes (diabetes mellitus ). 

some of the benefits of rambutan fruit 

Energy Boosting Your Body. For those of you who are easily tired in a variety of routine work, consuming fruit rambutan can increase energy quickly. This is because, rambutan fruit contains a number of carbohydrates and protein needed by your body. 

Keeping the Body of Various Free Radical. The air we breathe every second also carry harmful substances called free radicals. Rambutan fruit contains vitamin C which is beneficial to maintain and protect the body from free radicals. 

Effective Weight Loss. Rambutan fruit contains fiber and water sources. Thus filling the body and make your hungry is not easy in a relatively long time. 

The Powerful Antidote anemia. Source of iron in the rambutan can avoid dizziness and fatigue make a person with work activities that are so dense. 

The Powerful Cancer Prevention. Gallic acid contained in fruit rambutan can destroy free radicals in the body that are potentially cancerous diseases. 

Strengthening the Immune System Body. Copper content in the fruit rambutan great benefit in the manufacture of white blood cells. White blood cells are in charge of this is against a variety of viruses, germs and bacteria that are harmful to your body. 

Kidney Organ Healthier. Phosphorus content in the fruit rambutan significant role in eliminating waste terkonsentarasi inside your kidney.

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