Pineapple fruit or sometimes also called the Fruit Pineapple or Ananas Ananas comosus has the Latin name, this fruit is believed originated from the tropical country berasil, Bolivia and Paraguay. This plant is a plant of the pineapple family-nanasan, these plants grow and fruit It has a low content of Vitamin A and Vitamin C that have a high content of antioxidants good for the human body.
Pineapple |
Pineapple is widely grown in Malaysia, pineapple industry has been developed in the area of Johor and gambur usually planted on the ground. Saiz pineapple fruit has a large, flat eye pieces, pale yellow contents with sugar content and high asid.
Fruits are usually commonly used as a mixture of salad buh this enzyme apparently contains enzymes that facilitate bromalin functioning digestive tract. These enzymes help speed up the healing process of inflammation in the digestive tract.
Acid content in pineapple is very high, so do not be surprised when we consume pineapple then we will feel the acid. Acid content that makes pineapple banned consumed by young pregnant women for fear of causing adverse effects to the pregnancy.
some of the benefits of pineapple.
Fiber content contained in a can of pineapple are used to facilitate the digestive tract. As already discussed above, pineapple contains an enzyme that is good for the digestive tract.
Can reduce hypertension
The content of vitamin C can counteract free radicals and can be used for beauty.
Bromailin acid content in pineapple can menyeimbanfkan acid levels in the body.
Pineapple can remove the toxins in the body because it contains aspartic acid.
Reduce the symptoms of stress and repair damaged cells.
Strengthen the heart muscle and as an antioxidant.
But keep in mind that the pineapple is not well taken by young pregnant women because it can cause adverse effects in pregnancy. In addition, pineapple is also not safe dikinsumsi by diabetics because of the high sugar content darag.
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