Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Benefit of Kiwi Fruit

        Kiwi fruit has a hairy skin with green flesh. Kiwi fruit is a fruit that is similar to the berries with a group of cultivars, which is wood vine Actinidia deliciosa and hybrids, this fruit comes from China precisely in the area of ​​Shaanxi, kiwi fruit is one of the exotic fruit of the land of china. 


Normally the fruit of this one Oval shaped like a chicken egg, which of course you've seen it will be very familiar with the fruit of this one because it is unique, this fruit also has a lot of fiber which is useful for the Body 

Kiwi contains 100 mg of vitamin E, which is five times higher than apples. Kiwi fruit is generally oval. This fruit was originally named gosberi china and then turned back because of marketing reasons. Kiwi fruit skin contains three times more antioxidants than the flesh kiwifruit. Kiwi fruit is one of the exotic fruits in the land of china. 

content of nutrients and vitamins contained in the kiwi fruit contains 0.99 grams of protein, 83.05 grams Water, Carbohydrates 14.88 grams, Calories 61 kcal, Abu 0.64 grams, fat grams 0:44, Magnesium 30 mg, 3.4 grams of Fiber, Iron 0:41 mg., vitamin C 75.0 mg, Potassium 332 mg, 9 mcg vitamin A, Calcium 26 mg Phosphorus 40 mg, 0.500 mg Niacin, vitamin A 175 iu, 0 mcg Retinol, Sodium: 5 mg, 0.020 mg Thiamin, Cholesterol 0 mcg, and Riboflavin 0
.050 mg.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Benefit of Pear Fruit

       Pear fruit that is soft and sweet. Pears to have biological substances and nutrients are high so good for health. This pear has no seasonal so we can meet in the market and we can consume anytime. 


This fruit belongs to the class of fruit juice that is rich in liquids. Same with guava and apple fruits that contain vitamin C, but the flesh is softer than a pear-apple fruit flesh. 

This tree is believed originated from tropical Regions such as Western Europe, Asia and also North Africa Section, Tree altitude is, can reach 10-17 feet but most species are short trees that have leaves that rimbun.Untuk shaped leaves alternating and intermittent oval shape. Pears contain Believe this is good for health 

Some Benefits of Pears 

1 Pears Benefits Prevent Cancer 
Hydroxycinnamic acid content found in pears can prevent stomach cancer and lung. 

2 Efficacy Pears To Fight Alzheimer's 
According to recent research from Cornell University, pear skins contain quercetin, an antioxidant that can fight Alzheimer's disease. So, should you eat pears with the skin. 

3 Efficacy Pears to Prevent Osteoporosis 
Pears contain boron which is needed by the body to retain calcium, which can prevent osteoporosis. 

4 Benefits To Soothe digestive Pears 
Pectin and fiber in pears helps stop diarrhea and tannins can soothe an irritated digestive tract. 

5. Efficacy Pears For Keeps you hydrated 
Pears is a kind of water-rich fruit that can ensure adequate intake of fluids in the body. 

6 Benefits of Pears For Lowering Cholesterol 
Pear fruit has a high pectin content (higher than apple). That's what makes it effective to reduce cholesterol levels in the body. Pectin absorbs fat in the intestines before they are absorbed through the blood stream. 

7 Benefits of Pears For Boosting the immune system 
Pears contain vitamins such as A, K, C, B2, calcium B3, B6, minerals, magnesium, potassium, and copper. Thus, the pear is great for keeping the immune system.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Benefit of Coconut Fruit

Coconut is the name of the tree and the fruit are scattered throughout the tropical islands in the world. According to available data, nearly one third of the world population rely needs food, economics, and medicine from coconuts

Coconut trees can flourish around coastal and tropical areas. Therefore, palm trees can be easily found in Indonesia.

Coconut fruit known as a fruit that has a multifunctional, and therefore many coconuts are needed and used by the public. This fruit we often encounter on the seashores and mountain area.

Besides coconut meat that can be used, it turns out the coconut water contains a lot of nutrients that is 4.7% of the total solids, 2.6% sugar, 0.55% protein, 0.74% fat and 0.46% minerals.

some of the benefits of coconuts

By eating coconuts will have a major impact on increasing the immune system or immune system you have. So that the body is not easily affected by various kinds of diseases. This is because, coconuts are antiviral,

Coconut contains a source of calcium and magnesium to your bone health. That is why, to prevent bone loss (osteoporosis) that attacks among adults and adolescents, begin consuming the coconut fruit.

Kandugan high enough fiber in the coconut fruit, making the fruit is very good for keeping the digestive system and organs healthy. So the indigestion and bowel disorders will not be found again.

coconut fruit contains calcium and magnesium which are nutrients needed by the teeth to be more robust and healthy every time.

Saturated fat in coconut oil may reduce the potential for fat deposition in the arterial section of your heart organ.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Benefit of Date Palm Fruit

           Dates are palm tree and has the Latin name Phoenix, the fruit is usually much there are areas such as the middle east saudi arabia. Palm tree has a size that is not too high, the fruit produced by the palm tree is then known as a date that has an oval shape and somewhat cylindrical. Varieties planted palm trees have male and bentina, palm trees pembuhan process usually carried naturally by wind. But in pertanianpohon dates, date palm tree fertilization process is done manually using human power. 

date palm fruit 

Dates have a sugar content of 80% the rest containing Protein, Fat, Minerals and Temaga Also, Magensium, Iron and Folic Acid, Fruit Dates are rich in fiber. 

Benefits include a date that is: 

High Energy Sources 
As I mentioned earlier that it contains natural sugar palm fruit, especially of the type glukusa and fructose, therefore palm fruit can be used to restore energy while fasting and can be used to normalize blood sugar. 

sources of vitamin 
Maanfaat second palm fruit is a good source of vitamins, palm fruit contains Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, B12 and B5 and vitamins C and E. As we know that vitamin A can be used to nourish the eyes while vitamin C serves as an antioxidant and vitamin E used to the skin. 

containing Phytochemicals 
Palm fruit usually contains salsilat are used as raw material for the manufacture of aspirin pain reliever and fever. Palm fruit also contains a type of hormone called potuchsin useful to restore the blood vessels in the uterus so that it can be used to prevent bleeding after childbirth. 

containing Fiber 
The benefits of palm fruit is that it can be used to protect the lining of the intestine and prevent the occurrence of cholesterol due to fiber content contained in a date.

Source of iron 
Iron is a substance found in the blood that is useful or helpful to bind oxygen. for patients with anemia sngat encouraged to eat a date because of the iron content.

Benefits of Jackfruit Fruit

Jackfruit originated from India and Southeast Asia. This fruit has the size besar.Buah jackfruit is the fruit that taste sweet and delicious. This fruit can be eaten raw or cooked while. Raw jackfruit can be made ​​and served a very delicious vegetable.


Jackfruit fruit is a fleshy fruit fiber that has a distinctive taste and smell and very tasty, this fruit is very much in consumption by people, there are several Asian countries that often consume the fruit is jackfruit Indonesia, Sri rare and Bangladesh. Jackfruit fruit is rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Efficacy Fruit Jackfruit To prevent cancer,
This is because fruits contain phytonutrients such as jackfruit lignans, isoflavones and saponins which have anti-cancer properties and anti-aging. Phytonutrients can also help eliminating cancer-causing free radicals from the body.

Benefits Fruit Jackfruit To prevent anemia,
This is because the jackfruit has iron content which can help prevent anemia. Iron can also help in proper blood circulation in our body.

Efficacy Fruit Jackfruit To aid digestion the body,
This is because the jackfruit has anti-ulcer that can help cure ulcers and indigestion. High fiber content in jackfruit can also help prevent constipation and bowel movements smooth. Fiber also provide protection against colon mucous membrane by means of carcinogenic chemicals expelled from the colon.

Benefits Fruit Jackfruit To help strengthen bones,
This is because the jackfruit is rich in magnesium, a nutrient that is essential in the absorption of calcium. It can help strengthen bones and prevent bone disorders such as ostepororsis.

Efficacy Jackfruit To maintain healthy eyes and skin,
This is because the jackfruit contains vitamin A, nutrients that are good for maintaining healthy eyes and skin. It also can help prevent degenerative eye diseases such as macular and night blindness.

Benefits Fruit Jackfruit To maintain a healthy thyroid,
This is because it contains substances that jackfruit is very important that the copper. Copper plays an important role in thyroid metabolism, especially for hormone production and absorption.

Benefits Fruit Jackfruit To help lower blood pressure,
This is because it contains potassium jackfruit which can be useful for lowering blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Efficacy Fruit Jackfruit To increase energy,
This is because the jackfruit contain simple sugars fructose and sucrose crate that gives a boost of energy when it is needed by the body.

Benefits of Rambutan Fruit

        Rambutan has many types including Rapiah, the Tiger, the Mistress, swampy fleeced, and Binjai. This fruit contains carbohydrates, protein, fat, phosphorus, iron, calcium and vitamin C. The rind contains tannins and saponins. Seeds contain fat and polyphenols. Leaves contain tannins and saponins. Bark contains tannin, saponin, flavonida, pectic substance, and iron. 


Rambutan fruit stored in the drug efficacy priceless, according to an expert study of medicinal plants, fruit rambutan contains iron, potassium, vitamin C sapai in every 100 grams (about 3 rambutan fruit contains 69 calories, 18.1 grams of carbohydrates, and 58 mg vitamin). Rambutan fiber content is also quite high, about 2 grams per 100 grams of fruit weight. This character fits consumed fruits like people who are dieting lose or maintain weight. 

Benefits rambutan very much at all. For health, rambutan helpful to tighten the muscles, upset stomach, and intestinal worms medicine. 
The roots can be brewed for drug fever, bark to treat diseases of the tongue, leaves a headache medicine, while the rambutan fruit skins contain toxic saponin, but in Java, the skin of this fruit can be used as a drug by means of dried first. 

Parts of this plant can be used as a drug is used to treat skin fruit dysentery and fever, the bark is used to overcome the canker sores, the leaves are used for treating diarrhea and black hair, used to treat fever roots, and seeds used to treat diabetes (diabetes mellitus ). 

some of the benefits of rambutan fruit 

Energy Boosting Your Body. For those of you who are easily tired in a variety of routine work, consuming fruit rambutan can increase energy quickly. This is because, rambutan fruit contains a number of carbohydrates and protein needed by your body. 

Keeping the Body of Various Free Radical. The air we breathe every second also carry harmful substances called free radicals. Rambutan fruit contains vitamin C which is beneficial to maintain and protect the body from free radicals. 

Effective Weight Loss. Rambutan fruit contains fiber and water sources. Thus filling the body and make your hungry is not easy in a relatively long time. 

The Powerful Antidote anemia. Source of iron in the rambutan can avoid dizziness and fatigue make a person with work activities that are so dense. 

The Powerful Cancer Prevention. Gallic acid contained in fruit rambutan can destroy free radicals in the body that are potentially cancerous diseases. 

Strengthening the Immune System Body. Copper content in the fruit rambutan great benefit in the manufacture of white blood cells. White blood cells are in charge of this is against a variety of viruses, germs and bacteria that are harmful to your body. 

Kidney Organ Healthier. Phosphorus content in the fruit rambutan significant role in eliminating waste terkonsentarasi inside your kidney.

Benefits of Pineapple Fruit

           Pineapple fruit or sometimes also called the Fruit Pineapple or Ananas Ananas comosus has the Latin name, this fruit is believed originated from the tropical country berasil, Bolivia and Paraguay. This plant is a plant of the pineapple family-nanasan, these plants grow and fruit It has a low content of Vitamin A and Vitamin C that have a high content of antioxidants good for the human body. 


Pineapple is widely grown in Malaysia, pineapple industry has been developed in the area of ​​Johor and gambur usually planted on the ground. Saiz pineapple fruit has a large, flat eye pieces, pale yellow contents with sugar content and high asid.

Fruits are usually commonly used as a mixture of salad buh this enzyme apparently contains enzymes that facilitate bromalin functioning digestive tract. These enzymes help speed up the healing process of inflammation in the digestive tract. 

Acid content in pineapple is very high, so do not be surprised when we consume pineapple then we will feel the acid. Acid content that makes pineapple banned consumed by young pregnant women for fear of causing adverse effects to the pregnancy. 

some of the benefits of pineapple. 

Fiber content contained in a can of pineapple are used to facilitate the digestive tract. As already discussed above, pineapple contains an enzyme that is good for the digestive tract. 

Can reduce hypertension 

The content of vitamin C can counteract free radicals and can be used for beauty. 

Bromailin acid content in pineapple can menyeimbanfkan acid levels in the body. 

Pineapple can remove the toxins in the body because it contains aspartic acid. 

Reduce the symptoms of stress and repair damaged cells. 

Strengthen the heart muscle and as an antioxidant. 

But keep in mind that the pineapple is not well taken by young pregnant women because it can cause adverse effects in pregnancy. In addition, pineapple is also not safe dikinsumsi by diabetics because of the high sugar content darag.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Benefits of Wine Fruit

           Wine is the fruit of plants in the form of shrubs and vines. The fruit is usually can be consumed directly, made ​​juices and other grape-based mnuman. Grapes are also known to contain many compounds called polyphenols and resveratrol are active in a variety of metabolism, and is able to prevent the formation of cancer cells and various diseases. 


The grapes are very sweet and often we consume turns out to have benefits and excellent benefits for our bodies. In tekandung grapes substances capable of treating a variety of diseases. 

In Indonesia many wine producing regions include Kupang, NTT, and East Java. Wine has a darker color than the wine has a property that has a pale color. Dark purple color in the wine showed a high flavonoid content. Falavonoid is one of the compounds that can reduce LDL cholesterol in the body especially. The grapes also contain trigleserid that can prevent the occurrence of stroke and heart problems. 

   Here are the substances contained in grapes along khasitnya: 

1 Substance tannins that works in the digestive system and blood circulation which serves to attack the virus. 
2 Substance flavonoids as antioxidants and efficacious for preventing atherosclerosis. 
3 nutritious Iron helps the formation of red blood cells (hemoglobin).

Benefits of Wine Fruit 

In addition it contains flavonoids, grapes are also rich in vitamins A, C and B6 as well as other important minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and contains assimilatory selenium.Anggur that can increase the levels of water in the lungs. It is very good for people with asthma because it can reduce the problem of shortness of breath. 

If women often consume purple grape juice will prevent the occurrence of Ca Mamae, because the grapes will be significantly kill cancer cells. Wine also contains organic acids, sugars, known as cellulose is very good pencahar.Manfaat to deal with complaints of constipation or difficult bowel movements. 

If we mengkonsum grapes then the Every 100 grams of grapes contain at least 25 components of the body's nutritional needs. Mineral content in wine is beneficial for the body such as manganese. 

The grapes of life in lowland dry season and need to be able grow. Wine only live in some type of soil that has more light intensity. The wines have a particular season to bear fruit, and we can easily get the wine in the market or supermarket.

Benefits of Crown god fruit

         Crown god fruit (Phaleria macrocarpa) is known as one of the medicinal plants in Indonesia. Originally from Papua / Irian Jaya. Plant or tree crowns god is often planted as a shade. 

Crown god fruit

The size is not too big to reach 3 meters high, has bright red fruit that grows from the main trunk to the branches. To extend the shelf life of the fruit crown gods, preservation can be done in several ways such as refrigeration, canning, and drying. Drying is carried out at Phaleria aims to reduce the water content in the material, so that the remaining water can not be used as a medium for microbial life destroyer is in the material, in other words, can extend the shelf life of the fruit of the gods crown. Proper drying conditions will determine the quality of a high drying results. 

Crown god fruits contain alkaloids, saponins and polyphenols that are good for health. Phaleria can be used as a traditional medicine that can reduce blood sugar levels, as an anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-oxidants, acne medication, menetrasilirkan toxins in the body, increase vitality in men and so on. 

Benefits of Crown god fruit

The first disease that can be cured with a crown of god fruit is dysentery. Only by boiling skin Phaleria who has been in a dry state with two glasses of water to boil. Water decoction can be drunk in a cold state. 

Benefits Phaleria other is to fight disease psoriasis. First take the crown of god fruit in a fresh state three seeds then separate the pieces of fruit with seeds. The next step is to cut the meat into thin pieces and then dried in the sun to dry. After it boiled dried fruit pulp gods crown with one liter of water with a large rate of fire. After memdidih reduce heat and simmer until the water to decrease by a quarter. Once cool, boiled water for the last two and drink twice a day ie morning and evening. 

Flavonoids contained in Phaleria bersfat anti-inflammatory, so it has a role to reduce the risk of heart disease, lowering cholesterol levels and accumulation of fat in the blood vessel walls. Can mengurari pain when there is bleeding or swelling. 

The content of antioxidants contained in the fruit crown god prevents our body affected by free radicals and thus indirectly also can lower uric acid levels. In addition, the efficacy of other gods crown is a leukemia drug and treat a variety of skin diseases. 

Benefits of Kedondong fruit

        Fruit kedondong be seen in remote areas of Indonesia. This fruit has many nutrients that are very beneficial for our health. kedondong many nutritional content aside, the price is relatively affordable and easy to get. Internationally, the fruit with the terrors of the acid flavor is called by the name of Ambarella. In awal.abad 20, kedondong introduced to foreign countries, ranging from Australia to Jamaica.


Fruit kedondong widely used for salad, vegetables, and made ​​pickles (chili kedondong). Young leaves are steamed used as animal feed.

Some Benefits of kedondong

is the main content of nutrients in the fruit kedondong is an element in the form of sucrose sugar is important as the vitality and endurance. So is the fiber content and the water is high enough helpful in launching besaar defecate (BAB) and prevent dehydration.

Kedondong fruit leaves can also be used as a vegetable. In some areas, the young leaves can be steamed kedondong or boiled and used as fresh vegetables mixed with chili. Tastes good and delicious, especially when eaten with rice is still warm.

The leaves and bark of the tree can be used as a treatment kedondong. The leaves and bark of this tree contains many flavanoida, saponins, and tannins. The content is very helpful remedy cure dysentery and cough cure disease.

In addition, other benefits of fruit kedondong is to cope with diarrhea, use approximately 15 grams of fresh bark kedondong been washed clean. Then cut into small pieces and boiled with 2 cups of water for 15 minutes. Wait until cool then strain and filtered water may be taken 2 times a day.

Benefits of Talok fruit

         Talok fruit is a kind of small fruit trees at once sweet and bright red. In Mexico, cherry fruit sold in cherry pasar.Pohon easily found in Indonesia. Usually used as a shade tree for a pedicab driver in Indonesia.

Talok or cherry fruit is very helpful and contains more when compared with various isotonic solution that is now being circulated in the market. In terms of nutritional content is not less cherry fruit with other fruits such as mango. The content of vitamin C 30 mg mango, cherry fruit while the 80, 5 mg, in addition to the calcium content of 124.6 mg of cherry fruit, much more than mangoes were only 15 mg

Characteristically, cherry or Talok is a kind of herbaceous plant that can be as high as 12 feet, although the average is only between 1 meter and 4 meters. Horizontal tree branch and form a leafy shade. Owner name Latin <I> Muntinga calabura <P> The small round fruit. If ripe red fruit, while the green color while still young. It was sweet, has lots of small seeds such as sand.

The plant is easy to grow on dry land that was loose and without special care.

following some fruit Talok Benefits include:

The content of vitamin C in fruit Talok can boost the immune system and can increase the body's metabolism.

Talok fruit contains vitamin A which is high in beta-carotene which serves to enhance the immune system and is useful for eyesight and skin.

Talok or cherry fruit can prevent uric acid and can relieve pain caused by gout.

A research states that cholesterol levels can diturunksn with flowers of fruit Talok consuming.

In countries of peru leaf pieces Talok already commonly used to treat inflammation and headaches.

Fruit Talok easily grow anywhere, so do not be surprised also we can see the fruit Talok anywhere.

Benefits of star fruit vegetables

       Star fruit vegetable also known as starfruit is a type of fruit that is usually digunakn ole mothers to cook. It seemed that the acid can strengthen the sense of cooking. 

Star fruit vegetable
Star fruit sometimes are familiar with this vegetable Carambola is a plant originating from the Moluccan Islands and then in Develop Growing freely throughout Indonesia, Fillifina, Malaysia, Sri Lanka And Miyanmar. Well now let's see what are the benefits of this starfruit for Health. 

some of the benefits star fruit vegetables

Cough medicine 
The leaves, flowers, fruits, each as much boiled in boiling water for half an hour, and drink its water. For cough in children, take 25 flowers starfruit, 1 finger rhizome temugiring, cinnamon bark 1 finger, 1 finger rhizome kencur, 2 red onions, 1/4 handheld gotu kola, sage leaves 1/4 handheld, handheld quarter inggu leaves, 1/4 handheld leaf spoon, washed and dupotong pieces as needed, boiled with 5 cups water until remaining 2 1/4 cups. After a cold and filtered, taken with honey as necessary. 3/4 cup 3 times a day. 

Teatment of Diabetes 
While you are suffering from diabetes unutuk, prepare 6 pieces starfruit, then crushed, boiled with 1 cup water until the water half, Strain and drink 2 times a day. 

Mumps healers 
Half handheld starfruit leaves pounded with garlic 3. Kompreskan on bagiyan mumps. 10 young twigs starfruit berikit daunya and 4 red onions after washed and finely ground. Barurkan place of the sick. 

Teatment of acne 
To treat acne 3 buwah prepare fresh starfruit. Wash thoroughly. Grated fruit and a little salt. Stick it on the skin with acne. Apply 2 times a day. Or prepare 6 pieces starfruit and 1/2 teaspoon powdered sulfur, finely milled and kneaded with 2 tablespoons lime juice. This herb is used to rub the face with acne and grease. Do it 2-3 times a day. 

Treatment of High Blood Pressure 
3 Prepare the fruit and seeds starfruit juice 25gr ivory that has been washed clean. Pollen grains ivory finely ground. Put into a pan and boil 4 cups water with starfruit. Cool and strain before drinking. Quite drink 1 cup a day. Great fruit and shredded green, grab his water and drunk. Or you can also set up 3 fruit starfruit were washed and cut into pieces as needed, boiled in 3 cups water until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, Drinking after breakfast. 

A handful of starfruit leaves are washed, mash until smooth, add the whiting, rubbing kebagiyan sick. 100 gr of young leaves starfruit, 10 clove seeds and 15 seeds are washed and finely ground pepper, add vinegar to taste until it becomes dough like mush. Spread batter slurry was ketempet sick. Or it could be a way has outlined 5 pieces starfruit, 8 leaves of magnolia (Michelia Champaca L.) seeds 15 cloves, 15 grains of black pepper, washed and finely ground, kneaded with 2 tablespoons lime juice and 1 tablespoon of oil eucalyptus. Used for rubbing and massaging bagiyan sick body. Do it 2-3 times a day.

Benefits of star fruit sweet

         Carambola fruit or the Latin language called L Averhoa Carambola is a fruit that is little demand or rarely enthusiasts than any other fruit. Actually flavors of star fruit is sweet and contains high fiber, fruit is also the most easily found as mixed fruit salad in the making. 

Star fruit sweet

Carambola Fruit Nutritional Content 

Starfruit is a sweet fruit that is rich in vitamins A and C, which are antioxidants and potassium. Also noteworthy is the fiber, especially pectin fiber which are beneficial to the health of blood vessels. 

Nutrient content of 100 g Fruit Star Fruit 
Calories 36 cal 
Protein 0.4 g 
Fat 0.4 g 
Carbohydrates 8.8 g 
4 g fiber 
Calcium 12 mg Phosphorus 1.1 mg 
Iron 170 mg 
0.03 IU vitamin A 
Vitamin B1 35 mg 
Vitamin C 90 mg 
Water 86 g 

some of the benefits of star fruit sweet 

Star fruit to cope with the disease coughs in children. 
Can be Overcome thrush and bleeding gums. 
This fruit can reduce the pain of cavities. 
Acne and tinea versicolor. 
Can Helps reduce high blood pressure. 
Protect the body from diabetes. 
Will help protect the body against paralysis. 
The fiber content in fruit can help improve digestion. 
Whether consumed when dieting because pectin contained in star fruit can help destroy cholesterol. 
And the star fruit can Overcoming inflammation of the rectum.

Benefits of apple fruit

      Apple or Malus domestica is the fruit which originally came from Central Asia, but along with the development of apple fruit is now spread evenly throughout the World. Apples are a fruit that is identical to the color red fruit. Almost everyone would already be familiar with the shape and taste apple month itself. Because apples are classified into types of fruit, the apple contains a variety of nutrients and vitamins that are essential to improve the quality of healthcare. 


nutrition found in apples per 100 grams that is. 

Calorie (cal): 58g 
Iron: 0.3 g 
Calcium: 6g 
Fat: 04g 
Vitamin A: 90g 
Vitamin C: 5g 
Protein: 03G 
Water: 84,1g 

some benefits of apples 

prevent diarrhea 
Benefits for apples can also prevent diseases of the digestive system such as diarrhea and constipation. Fiber content in apples high able to help launch the digestive system. So as to overcome digestive system disorders such as diarrhea.

Apples can be used as a traditional medicine to cope with diabetes. Way, take the apples are ripe yamg medium. Then split into four parts and boiled with 3-4 cups water to boil down to 2 cups water. Filtered water, then taken twice a day every morning and afternoon. 

Counteract free radicals 
In apple skin can produce a substance called quercetin. Quercetin substance is a substance which serves to ward off free radical attacks and can also serve to fight premature aging. 

Maintaining healthy teeth 
By eating regularly, apples can stimulate the production of saliva in the mouth. So as to prevent the occurrence of pengkroposan on teeth and can keep your teeth healthy. 

prevent Cataracts 
Long-term studies show that people who eat a diet rich in antioxidant fruits such as apples have a risk of developing cataracts 10-15 percent less.

Benefits of avocado fruit

         Avocado is one type of fruit that has been known by most of us. With the soft texture of the fruit flesh makes this fruit is consumed and very tasty on the tongue. Not a few of us make the juice from the fruit of this one. However, behind it tastes so good, this fruit also contains various essential nutrients required by the body. So, no wonder so many miraculous benefits of the avocado fruit. 


Avocado is a fruit that is very popular in Indonesia. Besides it tastes very good, avocado fruit is also rich in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health. Ripe avocado fruit commonly used as a juice, eaten alone or with sugar and honey. 

Here is the full content of the avocado fruit: 

1 Vit A and Vit E 
2 Potassium and potassium 
3 unsaturated fats 
4. Oleic acid 
5. Vitamin B6 
6 Iron 
7 Minerals manganese and zinc 

some of the benefits of avocado  

treating Thrush 
Take a ripe avocado, meat rake the fruit was then given 2 tablespoons of pure honey, stir thoroughly and then eaten. Do it every day until healed. This is a delicious way to treat thrush. 

Coping with dry skin 
Meat ripe avocado crushed up like mush. Then, the dough is used to mask, by means of a dry rub on the face. Allow about 2 hours, then rinse your face with cold water. 

Avocado for cancer 
According to research, this avocado fruit could inhibit prostate cancer cells. but it also contained oleic acid in avocados can prevent breast cancer. 

Swelling due to inflammation 
Avocado seeds are dried, then ground until smooth. Take powder from avocado seeds to taste, then add a little water until it becomes dough like mush. Apply the mixture to the affected body part. 

Avocado to nourish the heart 
High homocysteine ​​levels can increase the risk of heart attack, and the content of B6 and folic acid in avocado can regulate the homocysteine ​​levels, but it also contains glutathione, vitamin E and unsaturated fats help maintain good health.

Benefits of Soursop fruit

        Soursop which has the Latin name Anona muricata Linn is a close relative of sugar apple (Anona squamosa Linn). Plants are now very popular thanks to the properties of the leaf (read: Efficacy Soursop Leaf) and the fruit comes from America (about Peru, Mexico and Argentina). In Indonesia, Soursop name comes from the Dutch, which means that ZuurZak bag that tastes sour. 


Benefits of Soursop Fruit 

prevent Anemia 
Iron content in soursop fruit is also believed to effectively relieve the symptoms of anemia that can strike at any time. 

Maintaining Bone Health 
In addition to containing phosphorus and calcium, soursop fruit also enriched other minerals namely copper, which helps the absorption of calcium into the bones so that your bones remain adequate nutritional needs. 

prevent Cancer 
Annonaceous acetogenins are the phytochemicals contained in the leaves, seeds and stems of the soursop. These substances play a role in warding off cancer and viral attacks. The study revealed that the content of Annonaceous acetogenins in graviola can kill malignant cells in 12 types of cancer, including breast, colon, prostate, lung, and much more. 

Launched urination 
Soursop fruit juice it can be used as a medicine if you experience pain when urinating. It also can megatasi haematuria which white blood cells in the urine, and mild liver disease. 

Boost Energy 
If you feel passionate about, try to consume soursop fruit. In addition to the fresh aroma which can make your mood back alive, soursop fruit also mengadung thiamin useful to boost your energy. 

Relieves Migraine 
Soursop fruit contains riboflavin or vitamin B2 is known to effectively relieve migraine headaches. 

Benefits of Soursop Fruit Seeds 
You know, ladies, that not only meat, seeds of soursop fruit also useful to maintain your health? Soursop seeds emesis in fact contain substances that can be used to reduce nausea and vomiting.

Benefits of melon fruit

      Melon fruit comes from the Middle East and had gradually spread to the European continent. Melon in Indonesia readily available at affordable prices and can be enjoyed by all walks of seasonal plants, but creeper vines, no climbing. 


Melon (curcumis melo) is similar to pumpkin, cantaloupe and watermelon. Melon included in the Cucurbitaceae family. Melon flesh has a softer texture with a sweet taste and refreshing because it contains a lot of water. 

Melon Fruit Nutritional Content 

Besides having a taste that fresh, melon also contains a myriad of essential nutrients that the body needs. In 100 grams of melon flesh are essential nutrients such as: 

- Carbohydrates 14.8 g 
- Protein 1.55 g 
- Fat 0.5 g 
- Potassium 546.9 mg 
- Vitamin A 5706.5 IU 
- Vitamin C 74.7 mg 

The following are some benefits of the melon fruit 

prevent Cancer 
Carotenoids are pigments as giving color to fruits and vegetables. High carotenoid content in melon fruits can prevent some cancers, such as lung cancer and breast cancer. 

  Maintain Eye Health 
Melon is also enriched with beta-carotene is useful to improve the sharpness and maintain eye health. Beta-carotene is converted by the body into vitamin A and used by the body to improve the function of the eye, especially in ruangaan with minimal lighting. 

rich in Potassium 
Potassium or Potassium serves to maintain a healthy heart and keep the blood pressure to remain stable. Every day, adults need 4700 mg of potassium. One cup of melon is able to provide about 43 mg of potassium to be absorbed the body. 

  Preventing Heart Attack and Stroke 
In addition to effectively prevent some cancers, adenosine content in melon fruits are also able to stop the clotting of blood cells which can lead to heart attacks and strokes. 
Adenosine works by circulation of red blood cells and potentially reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Benefits of Watermelon fruit

       watermelon (because of its shape like a melon, but it contains more water) is a desert plant that comes from Central Africa. Watermelon is related to squash, melons and cucumbers. 


The fruit is easy to get in the market in traditional and more modern in the market. Most of us would like to consume the watery fruit. However, in addition to substitute for relieving thirst, many health benefits of watermelon for your body. 

Nutritive value / 100 g (3.5 oz) 
Energy 127 kJ (30 kcal) 
carbohydrate 7.55 g 
Sugar 6.2 g 
Dietary fiber 0.4 g 
Fat 0.15  g 
Protein 0.61 g 
Water 91.45 g 
Vitamin A equiv. 28 mcg (3%) 
Thiamine (Vit. B1) 0.033 mg (3%) 
Riboflavin (Vit. B2) 0.021 mg (1%) 
Niacin (Vit. B3) 0.178 mg (1%) 
Pantothenat acid (B5) 0.221 mg (4%) 
Vitamin B6 0.045 mg (3%) 
Folate (Vit. B9) 3 mg (1%) 
Vitamin C 8.1 mg (14%) 
Calcium 7 mg (1%) 
Iron 12.24 mg (2%) 
Magnesium 10 mg (3%) 
Phosphorus 11 mg (2%) 
Potassium 112 mg (2%) 
Zinc 0.10 mg (1%) 

The percentage refers to the United States recommendations for adults. 
Source: USDA Nutrient Data 

Here are some benefits of watermelon for health 

1 Improve Immune System. Watermelon is also a source of vitamin C. Vitamin C has a function to help improve the body's immune system. So the body will not get sick when the weather is poor or very extreme. 

2 Reduce Fat In Body. Watermelon is a fruit that is rich in the type of content citruline which serves to reduce excess fat inside your body. 

3 Organ Kidney Healthier. Consuming watermelon will help increase the flow of urine. With the smooth flow of urine it will impact the health of the kidneys in organ in the body. 

4. Overcome wrinkles on the face 
Because of its rich antioxidant content, watermelon can help prevent damage to the skin as well as overcome the wrinkles on the face as a sign of premature aging.

Benefits of papaya fruit

           Papaya has a Latin name Carica papaya and included in the family Caricaceae. Papaya tree is derived from the area of Mexico and the regular planting in the yard or garden. Papaya fruit is ripe orange or pink. It was sweet and juicy.


Benefits of papaya fruit is very good for treating gastric health, improving digestion, treating diarrhea, fiber breaking, reduce fever, treat rheumatism. Substances contained in papaya, including vitamin A, vitamin B, riboflavin, calcium, potassium, protein, calories, iron, phosphorus, fat, carbohydrates.

However, first you need to know first what are the nutrients contained in papaya is:
1. Vitamin A (1,750 IU)
2. Vitamin B (12:03 mg)
3. Riboflavin (0:04 mg)
4. Niacin (0.3 mg)
5. Vitamin C (56 mg)
6. Calcium (20 mg) Iron (0.3 mg)
7. Phosphorus (16 mg)
8. Potassium (470 mg)
9. Fat (0.1 g)
10. Carbohydrate (10 g)
11. Protein (0.6 g)
12. Calories (39)

Here are some of the health khsiat buh papaya for the human body.

prevent Flu 
The content of vitamin C in papaya fruit can improve the immune system and prevent diseases such as coughs, colds, and cancer

Prevent Heart Attack and Stroke 
High content of antioxidants in papaya fruit can prevent the oxidation of cholesterol and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

Skin Health 
The content of vitamins A, C and E alone is good for skin health. In addition to helping to restore moisture, vitamins can also help restore dull skin becomes brighter and more fresh.

Digestive Health 
Not only facilitate defecation, papaya can help cleanse your colon of toxins absorbed by the body accidentally. Is a fiber and antioxidants, which can lift and clean the intestines and carry it through the sewer.